Persian - Sundanese translator

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Common Persian Phrases in Sundanese

Phrase Meaning
سلام! Hai!
صبح بخیر! Wilujeng énjing!
عصر بخیر! Wilujeng sonten!
عصر بخیر! Wilujeng sonten!
سلام دوست من! Halo sobat!
چطور هستید؟ Kumaha damang?
خوبم مرسی! Abdi séhat hatur nuhun!
من دلم برای شما تنگ شده abdi kangen anjeun
بسیار از شما متشکرم)! Hatur nuhun pisan)!
خواهش میکنم! Sawangsulna!
بفرمایید تو، بیا تو! Kadieu!
روز خوبی داشته باشید! Wilujeng Angkat!
Phrase Meaning
خداحافظ! Dadah!
تولدت مبارک! Wilujeung tepang taun!
اسمت چیه؟ Saha nami anjeun?
کجا زندگی می کنید؟ Dimana anjeun cicingna?
آیا می توانم شماره تلفن شما را داشته باشم؟ Dupi abdi tiasa gaduh nomer telepon anjeun?
دوستت دارم abdi bogoh ka anjeun
تو خیلی خاص هستی Anjeun istimewa pisan!
من نمی فهمم! Abdi henteu ngartos!
میشه به من کمک کنید؟ Dupi anjeun tiasa ngabantosan abdi?
با آمبولانس تماس بگیرید! Telepon ambulan!
به دکتر زنگ بزن! Sauran dokter!
با پلیس تماس بگیرید! Telepon pulisi!
فرهنگ و مردم بسیار جالب بود Budaya jeung jalma éta pisan metot

About Persian Language

According to, Persian is popularly known as Farsi and is a Western Iranian language. It belongs to the branch of Indo- Iranian subdivisions and is also associated with Indo-European languages. This language is spoken within Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. There are three standard varieties in this language that differentiates it from others. You will not be surprised to see that this language is greatly inspired by other languages. The three standard versions of Persian include Iranian, Tajiki, and Afghan Persian. Persian is also spoken in many parts of Uzbekistan and other regions of Iran. Persian is officially written in the different alphabets of Tajik while the script is written in Arabic. There are around 70 million native speakers of Persian. This language belongs to Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, and Western Iranian.

About Sundanese Language

According to, Sundanese is pronounced as basa sʊnda. It is a Malayo-Polynesian language that is spoken by Sundanese people. It has got 40 million native speakers in the western part of Java. They represent about 15% of the total population. You will be surprised to know that Sundanese has a lot of dialects. It includes western, northern, southern, mid-east, and northeast dialects. The Priangan dialect covers the largest areas of the Sundanese language. It is also taught in elementary schools and other forms of education. This language is written in different writing systems if we look at history. The old Sundanese script is also full of this writing script. If we talk about the Pegon script it is still commonly used among other options. There are around 18 consonants in Sundanese phonology.

Communicate easily by using the free Persian to Sundanese online translator to instantly translate Persian words, messages, news, articles, phrases or documents to Sundanese.

Best Sundanese Translator - Persian to Sundanese translation for Free

You can now easily and accurately translate Persian to Sundanese language with this tool. This tool will allow you to Translate Persian text into Sundanese text. Translating words, sentences, and paragraphs into Sundanese is not a difficult task anymore.

(217 Votes, Notes: 4.9/5)

Frequently asked Questions about Persian to Sundanese translator

How to translate Persian to Sundanese using online translation tool?

  1. Select the Persian as source language for translation.
  2. Select the Sundanese as target translation language.
  3. Enter the Persian words, phrases, scentenses or pargraph that you want to translate.
  4. Click the translate button and you will get the Persian to Sundanese translation immediately.
step by step guide to translate using translatiz tool

Can i translate Sundanese to Persian?

Yes, You can translate Sundanese to Persian with our online translation tool. Check Translate Sundanese to Persian

How accurate is this Persian to Sundanese translation tool?

Our Persian translator tool provides the most accurate Sundanese translation because it uses the world's best machine translation engine powered by Google Api, To achieve the best possible quality of Sundanese translation, make sure that the Persian text is grammatically correct.

Which is the best Persian to Sundanese translator and How it can help me to translate Sundanese?

Our tool uses machine translation powered by Google Api, Microsoft Translate, and Yandex. This tool lets users to get the best Persian to Sundanese translation, it can translate Persian to 144 languages. If you need more accurate human Persian to Sundanese translation service, use Translate from Persian to Sundanese.

Is this Persian to Sundanese translation free?

Yes, Persian to Sundanese translator comes at no cost to you, and there is no daily limit. However, to ensure that the Persian to Sundanese Translation service is used in a fair manner, We limit 1000 characters of text per conversion.

How long does it take to convert Persian into Sundanese?

You can translate Persian words, phrases, and sentences to Sundanese in a few seconds.