Mongolian - Spanish translator

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Common Mongolian Phrases in Spanish

Phrase Meaning
Сайн уу! ¡Hola!
Өглөөний мэнд! ¡Buenos dias!
Өдрийн мэнд! ¡Buenas tardes!
Оройн мэнд! ¡Buenas noches!
Сайн уу найз минь! ¡Hola mi amigo!
Юу байна? ¿Cómo estás?
Би сайн, баярлалаа! ¡Estoy bien gracias!
би чамайг санасан te extrañé
Маш их баярлалаа)! Muchísimas gracias)!
Та тавтай морил! ¡Eres bienvenido!
Ороорой! ¡Adelante!
Өдрийг сайхан өнгөрүүлээрэй! ¡Que tenga un lindo día!
Phrase Meaning
Баяртай! ¡Adiós!
Төрсөн өдрийн мэнд! ¡Feliz cumpleaños!
Таны нэр хэн бэ? ¿Cómo te llamas?
Чи хаана амьдардаг вэ? ¿Donde vives?
Би таны утасны дугаарыг авч болох уу? ¿Puedo tener tu número de teléfono?
Би чамд хайртай Te quiero
Та маш онцгой юм! ¡Eres muy especial!
Би ойлгохгүй байна! ¡No entiendo!
Та надад тусалж чадах уу? ¿Me puedes ayudar?
Түргэн тусламж дууд! ¡Llama a la ambulancia!
Эмч дууд! ¡Llame a un médico!
Цагдаа дууд! ¡Llama a la policía!
Соёл, хүмүүс их сонирхолтой байсан La cultura y la gente fueron muy interesantes.

About Mongolian Language

According to, Mongolian is the official language of Mongolia. It is most widely spoken and best-known for being a part of the Mongolic language family. Mongolian is spoken by 5.2 million people worldwide. The language is spoken by a vast majority of the residents of Mongolia. In Mongolia, the Khalkha dialect is common. It is currently written in both Cyrillic and traditional Mongolian scripts. The language is dialectally more diverse and is displayed in the traditional Mongolian script. The variety of Mongolian is written in Standard Khalkha Mongolian. The written language is formalized in the writing conventions. It is similar to other Mongolic languages like Buryat and Oirat. The dialect of Mongolian and its classification are not in line with the t international standard.

About Spanish Language

According to, The Spanish language is from the Indo-European family. It is spoken by 360 million people all over the world. If we talk about the early 21st century Mexico had the highest number of speakers (around 85 million). In Columbia, there are around 40 million people while Argentina has around 35 million speakers. Even in the United States, there are more than 31 million speakers. Spanish is the official language of 18 American countries. This language has got the dialect from modern standard Spanish. Castilian dialect became popular in the 9th century and is spoken in central Spain around Madrid. During the late 15th century Castilian became the official language of Spain. The Castilian dialect is commonly used in all parts of Spain and is still going strong.

Communicate easily by using the free Mongolian to Spanish online translator to instantly translate Mongolian words, messages, news, articles, phrases or documents to Spanish.

Free Mongolian to Spanish Translation - Translate to Spanish for Free

You need an online machine translator to quickly translate Mongolian to Spanish. We hope that our Mongolian to Spanish translator can simplify your process of translation of Mongolian text, messages, words, or phrases. If you type Mongolian phrase "Сайн уу найз минь!" in input text box and click Translate Button than it is translated to Spanish as "¡Hola mi amigo!". You can use our Mongolian translator to translate a whole Mongolian sentence to Spanish or just a single word, you can also use Mongolian to Spanish translation online tool as a personal Mongolian dictionary tool to get the meaning of Spanish words. You can either type your Mongolian text or copy and paste your text in the above box and hit the translate button and you will instantly get Spanish translation right away.

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Frequently asked Questions about Mongolian to Spanish translator

How to translate Mongolian to Spanish using online translation tool?

  1. Select the Mongolian as source language for translation.
  2. Select the Spanish as target translation language.
  3. Enter the Mongolian words, phrases, scentenses or pargraph that you want to translate.
  4. Click the translate button and you will get the Mongolian to Spanish translation immediately.
step by step guide to translate using translatiz tool

Can i translate Spanish to Mongolian?

Yes, You can translate Spanish to Mongolian with our online translation tool. Check Translate Spanish to Mongolian

How accurate is this Mongolian to Spanish translation tool?

Our Mongolian translator tool provides the most accurate Spanish translation because it uses the world's best machine translation engine powered by Google Api, To achieve the best possible quality of Spanish translation, make sure that the Mongolian text is grammatically correct.

Which is the best Mongolian to Spanish translator and How it can help me to translate Spanish?

Our tool uses machine translation powered by Google Api, Microsoft Translate, and Yandex. This tool lets users to get the best Mongolian to Spanish translation, it can translate Mongolian to 144 languages. If you need more accurate human Mongolian to Spanish translation service, use Translate from Mongolian to Spanish.

Is this Mongolian to Spanish translation free?

Yes, Mongolian to Spanish translator comes at no cost to you, and there is no daily limit. However, to ensure that the Mongolian to Spanish Translation service is used in a fair manner, We limit 1000 characters of text per conversion.

How long does it take to convert Mongolian into Spanish?

You can translate Mongolian words, phrases, and sentences to Spanish in a few seconds.