About Hmong Language
According to Wikipedia.org, The Hmong language is popularly known as Miao–Yao, and Yangtzean. It is associated with Southern China and Northern Southeast Asia. Hmong is widely spoken in the mountain areas of Southern China that include Guizhou, Hunan, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangxi, and Hubei provinces. Most of the native speakers of this language are people from hilly areas. Like many other languages, Hmong happens to be both monosyllabic and analytic. Each dialect has a distinct tone and consists of uvular consonants. The constructions of verbs usually replace all the important functions of adposition that are common in English. The Hmong language is spoken in China, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand. There are three popular dialects of Hmong that include Hmong Daw, Mong Leeg, and Dananshan.
About Myanmar (Burmese) Language
According to Wikipedia.org, Myanmar is also known as Burmese. It is a Sino-Tibetan language and is spoken in Myanmar. It is also known as Burma. It is an official language of the Burmans. The language is spoken by the country's principal ethnic group. The Constitution of Myanmar officially accepts the English name of the language and it is officially introduced as the Myanmar language. Most English speakers call the language Burmese. It is spoken as a first language in Burma and is spoken by 33 million people. It is primarily spoken by the Burman people and other ethnic groups. Burmese is a member of the Lolo-Burmese grouping and belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family.