About English Language
According to Wikipedia.org,
English is a West Germanic language and belongs to the Indo-European language family. English is spoken by the inhabitants of early medieval England. It is the official language of 53 countries. It is spoken as the first language and is spoken by 400 million people all over the world.
English is the most commonly spoken second language in the world. It is the language used for International communication in all parts of the world. English is spoken to hold communications related to politics, science, media, or art. It is also the language of entertainment and is used for socializing as well. If you have a good command of the English language helps you get more opportunities in life and your career.
About Persian Language
According to Wikipedia.org, Persian is popularly known as Farsi and is a Western Iranian language. It belongs to the branch of Indo- Iranian subdivisions and is also associated with Indo-European languages. This language is spoken within Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. There are three standard varieties in this language that differentiates it from others. You will not be surprised to see that this language is greatly inspired by other languages. The three standard versions of Persian include Iranian, Tajiki, and Afghan Persian. Persian is also spoken in many parts of Uzbekistan and other regions of Iran. Persian is officially written in the different alphabets of Tajik while the script is written in Arabic. There are around 70 million native speakers of Persian. This language belongs to Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, and Western Iranian.