About Bhojpuri Language
According to Wikipedia.org,
About Swahili Language
According to Wikipedia.org,
Swahili is a popular Bantu language that is spoken in Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya. It is also widely spoken in Burundi, Mozambique, Oman, Somalia the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and South Africa. The total number of native speakers is 98 million. According to a survey in 2012, there are about 47 million speakers in Tanzania and around 34 million in Uganda. You will be surprised to know that there is a small number of speakers in other parts of the world. Swahili is written in the Arabic script and is very much influenced by the Latin alphabet. There are plenty of dialects of Swahili but the modern standard Swahili is based on Kiunguja. Some old dialects include Maho that is distinctive from other dialects. Kimwani is another dialect that is majorly spoken in Mozambique.
Translate Bhojpuri to Swahili with best Bhojpuri to Swahili translator
You need an online machine translator to quickly translate Bhojpuri to Swahili. We hope that our
Bhojpuri to Swahili translator can simplify your process of translation of Bhojpuri text, messages, words, or phrases.
If you type Bhojpuri phrase "рдирдорд╕реНрдХрд╛рд░ рдмрд╛ рд╣рдорд╛рд░ рджреЛрд╕реНрдд!" in input text box and click Translate Button than it is translated to Swahili as "Habari rafiki yangu!".
You can use our Bhojpuri translator to translate a whole Bhojpuri sentence to Swahili or just a single word, you can also use Bhojpuri to Swahili translation online tool as a personal
Bhojpuri dictionary tool to get the meaning of Swahili words. You can either type your Bhojpuri text or copy and paste your text
in the above box and hit the translate button and you will instantly get Swahili translation right away.
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