About Bhojpuri Language
According to Wikipedia.org,
About Lao Language
According to Wikipedia.org,
Lao is referred to as Laotian. It is a KraโDai language and is spoken by the Lao people. It is spoken in Laos and is the official language of 7 million people. It is also spoken in northeast Thailand and is spoken by 23 million people. It is referred to as Isan. The language is lingua franca and is common among the citizens of Laos. It is an analytic language and is similar to the Kra-Dai language. The language is also similar to Chinese and Vietnamese. It is spoken along with Thai and Isan and is spoken by fellow Southwestern Tai languages. Lao is spoken effectively among its native speakers and is used to communicate with one another. These languages are written with different scripts and are linguistically similar to the dialect continuum.
Translate Bhojpuri to Lao online - Free Bhojpuri to Lao translation
You need an online machine translator to quickly translate Bhojpuri to Lao. We hope that our
Bhojpuri to Lao translator can simplify your process of translation of Bhojpuri text, messages, words, or phrases.
If you type Bhojpuri phrase "เคจเคฎเคธเฅเคเคพเคฐ เคฌเคพ เคนเคฎเคพเคฐ เคฆเฅเคธเฅเคค!" in input text box and click Translate Button than it is translated to Lao as "เบชเบฐโเบเบฒเบโเบเบตโเบซเบกเบนเปโเบเบญเบโเบเปเบญเบ!".
You can use our Bhojpuri translator to translate a whole Bhojpuri sentence to Lao or just a single word, you can also use Bhojpuri to Lao translation online tool as a personal
Bhojpuri dictionary tool to get the meaning of Lao words. You can either type your Bhojpuri text or copy and paste your text
in the above box and hit the translate button and you will instantly get Lao translation right away.
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