About Bhojpuri Language
According to Wikipedia.org,
About Chichewa Language
According to Wikipedia.org,
Chewa is known as Nyanja, /หnjรฆndสษ/) and is a Bantu language. It is spoken in many Southern, Southeast, and East Africa. It is widely spoken in Malawi and Zambia. It is the official language of Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Chichewa is still a minority language and is not a popular language. The noun class prefix chi- is used in many other languages as well. It is called Chichewa and is spelled as Cinianja in Mozambique. In Malawi, the name of the language in Chinyanja. It changed to Chichewa in 1968 because of the insistence of President Hastings Kamuzu Banda and the Chewa people. In Zambia, the language is known as Nyanja. Chewa belongs to the language group of the Tumbuka, Sena, and Nsenga.
Translate Bhojpuri to Chichewa online - Free Bhojpuri to Chichewa translation
You need an online machine translator to quickly translate Bhojpuri to Chichewa. We hope that our
Bhojpuri to Chichewa translator can simplify your process of translation of Bhojpuri text, messages, words, or phrases.
If you type Bhojpuri phrase "เคจเคฎเคธเฅเคเคพเคฐ เคฌเคพ เคนเคฎเคพเคฐ เคฆเฅเคธเฅเคค!" in input text box and click Translate Button than it is translated to Chichewa as "Moni mnzanga!".
You can use our Bhojpuri translator to translate a whole Bhojpuri sentence to Chichewa or just a single word, you can also use Bhojpuri to Chichewa translation online tool as a personal
Bhojpuri dictionary tool to get the meaning of Chichewa words. You can either type your Bhojpuri text or copy and paste your text
in the above box and hit the translate button and you will instantly get Chichewa translation right away.
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